Friday, December 16, 2016

67 Retirement Age

My 5 year Old Self - Before Work. Look how Happy!
67 is the new 65 retirement age. I have 12 years to go. I also read that to maximize your social security benefits, you should wait to the age of 70. What? Go back - I want full benefits, maximized at 65 - NOT 70!

I have been working full time since the age of 18 . I've actually been working since the age of 12 - babysitting then at 16 I worked at McDonalds. So - by the time I'm 67, my total working years will have been 55 years. It's a wonder I can still think for myself. I've been giving myself to "The Man" for more than my whole life.

My plan from now until then is to figure out how to make 67 into 57. We should retire Earlier Not Later. At 70, my knees won't do me any good. I have about 3-4 years on them now.

Just some thoughts I've had lately. I need to retire - now comes the "How" part. The Farm will be the income so get with the act old self and do it!

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