Sunday, December 25, 2016

Merry Christmas

Christmas on a Farm
Good Day to all on this fine Christmas Morning. Our weather is rainy today and no snow in the forecast.

I'm looking forward to this year to end and the new one to begin.

Friday, December 16, 2016

67 Retirement Age

My 5 year Old Self - Before Work. Look how Happy!
67 is the new 65 retirement age. I have 12 years to go. I also read that to maximize your social security benefits, you should wait to the age of 70. What? Go back - I want full benefits, maximized at 65 - NOT 70!

I have been working full time since the age of 18 . I've actually been working since the age of 12 - babysitting then at 16 I worked at McDonalds. So - by the time I'm 67, my total working years will have been 55 years. It's a wonder I can still think for myself. I've been giving myself to "The Man" for more than my whole life.

My plan from now until then is to figure out how to make 67 into 57. We should retire Earlier Not Later. At 70, my knees won't do me any good. I have about 3-4 years on them now.

Just some thoughts I've had lately. I need to retire - now comes the "How" part. The Farm will be the income so get with the act old self and do it!

Sunday, December 11, 2016

End of Year is Near

Luffa - 6 Made it But Read Below

Garden in Fall 2016

Begging Ducks at the Office

First Snow

Close Up
First picture is of the Luffa. I was so excited that I had 6 quite large luffa. Problem is, the first frost forced me to pick them prematurely. They needed to dry on the vines and completely air out. Meaning all of the moisture needed to naturally extract. BUT because frost freezes, the luffa will rot on the vine. So - brought them in hoping to dry them indoors. It didn't happen. I only received one out of all the beautiful gourds. All the others rotted. I even baked the 2 largest in the oven on a low temp for 4 hours but nope - they rotted too. Maybe next year.

Garden is long put to bed but I captured a fall picture.  I like the sassafras in the background. They really have a pretty color combo.

While lunching at the office this fall, there is a large pond with ducks and geese. I fed the ducks once and when I walk the path to the lunch area, they come a waddling and beg for crackers. They are the cutest things ever and so tame and friendly. During this shot, there were 8 or 9 of them. So close I could touch their heads. I went through an entire box of saltines taking my lunches outside. So worth it. They are adorable.

Snow pictures from last Sunday's first snow fall. It was so pretty I took a walk around our condo complex and snapped some shots.

Christmas and the end of the year is around the corner. Time is flying by. Enjoyed it while you can.
