Monday, January 9, 2017

New Year Touching Base

Christmas Breads

Mayne Farm's Tree
At Christmas, I baked some breads for our Neighbors. They looked so pretty I thought I'd snap some pictures. They contained little pockets of sugar and cinnamon and were delicious.

The tree is up the road on Mayne's farm. It is beautiful in the Spring and this shot was taken on January 1, 2017. If I remember, I'll snap a shot when it's in full bloom.

Still Nicotine gum free but the emotions are sometimes out of control. I can cry at just about anything. I heard a song on the radio yesterday that brought open the flood gates. I'm not sure why but without the nicotine, I am extremely sensitive. I count to 10 and then it passes.

Crazy but I'm going to push through it.

Enjoy your week!

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